Infidel Ayaan Hirsi Ali 9780743289689 Books

Infidel Ayaan Hirsi Ali 9780743289689 Books
Riveting is one word I would use to describe Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s book, Infidel. Her story is one of defiance and great courage. You will see Islam through her eyes and feel her fear, and anger. You will be impressed with the courage that it took this young twenty-two year old girl to reject a marriage she did not want and to escape to a culture that she had been taught to detest. You will see how gradually the light was turned on and she began to see the falseness of all she had been taught. You will cheer her fight to bring awareness to the plight of Muslim women and girls who are basically slaves to an ideology that denies their personhood. Fathers, brothers, and other male relatives have totally control over their lives. Ayaan risk her life to tell the truth about the abominable treatment of Muslim women, not only in the Arab countries but also how they are importing their beliefs to European countries. She has been under the threat of death from Muslim clerics, has had to go into hiding, and has stood and faced it all with dignity. No book will make you more thankful to have been born in America than the book Infidel. It is a must read.
Tags : Infidel [Ayaan Hirsi Ali] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The author of <IT>The Caged Virgin <RO>recounts the story of her life, from her traditional Muslim childhood in Somalia and escape from a forced marriage to her efforts to promote women's rights while surviving numerous threats to her safety. 75,Ayaan Hirsi Ali,Infidel,Free Press,0743289684,B004CB8JV0-NEW-AUG2-2359,Muslims;Netherlands;Biography.,Politicians;Netherlands;Biography.,Refugees;Netherlands;Biography.,Biography,Biography & Autobiography,Biography & Autobiography General,Biography & Autobiography Political,Biography Autobiography,BiographyAutobiography,Contemporary Politics - Europe,Islam,Muslims,Netherlands,Political,Politicians,Refugees,Women
Infidel Ayaan Hirsi Ali 9780743289689 Books Reviews
A difficult book to read and significantly more difficult to review. The difficult part of reading and reviewing was the struggle to suppress my own emotions. The writer’s attempt to reveal the mistreatment of Muslim women in particular is noble. Her life story is one of many emotions, trials and tribulations and the efforts on her part to seek equality on behalf of others reveals a great mind in a great person. It should be fair to say there are many more like her stymied by their religion and background and yet of equal mind if not courage. I say this because no single ethnic group or religious sect has a monopoly on brains regardless of gender. Many people are simply what they are taught to be. To avoid offending anyone I seldom discuss or give thoughts on religion. I am not knowledgeable enough to discuss the various aspects of the various religions but like many (I suspect) I entertain my own thoughts and opinions. While this book taught me some about the particular religion involved it made light of the brutality of life for women living under the justification by that particular religion. I despise anyone involved in the mistreatment of women. Certainly in my life I have known bar flies who maybe rated a dope slap but the constant abuse and mistreatment of any woman rates as a punishable sin. I cannot always say they are the “fairer sex” unless by fairness one means their attitude and treatment of others, male or female. I have known, worked with, and worked for some women who I am proud and privileged to have known, worked for and worked with. Ayaan Hirsi Ali is someone I would consider an honor to know.
Infidel was on my shelf for a long time and I finally got to it. It was an excellent, well written personal account of Ali's journey of such a conservation perspective of Islam and her journey of escaping consistent mental and physical abuse from her mother (if we can call her that) and the constant reminders of how Islam should be applied through their eyes. Ali provides historical backgrounds that allow you to understand the mentality of whom she was frequently around in Africa. Her journey to escape the customs and norms is admirable and inspiring to find the courage to criticize such a debated topic and religion. I would highly recommend this book to everyone as it will either open up your eyes to such tribal cultures or confirm some of your thoughts. Either way, this book certainly creates discussion and while you discuss this re-read her first chapter. It is her personal account. Whatever thoughts you may have about her demonizing the religion doesn't negate her personal experience. Highly recommended!
This is a must read for anyone willing to approach the subject of Muslim women's rights with an open mind. Ali delivers a critique of Islam from a former insider's point of view pointing out habits and customs that should be banned all over the world. She decries the liberal West's penchant for turning a blind eye to the abject misery, suffering and physical abuse of women.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali has experienced, unenviably, three of history’s major tyrannical political movements Marxist state socialism, welfare-state socialism, and, most toxic, Islam.
Depending on the estimate, somewhere between 60 million and 200 million political murders later, Marxism, and its offshoot, fascism, only require explanation for the terminally ignorant.
Her experience of welfare-state socialism included a serious effort to revoke her dutch citizenship by a senior member of the dutch nomenclatura, and thereby her seat in the dutch parliament, at least in part because her criticisms of female slavery, genital mutilation, honor killings, and so on, occurring in the Netherlands, tolerated by the dutch in the name of multiculturalism, couldn’t easily be dismissed as ‘right-wing racism,’ or as ‘islamophobia,’ given that she’s black from Somalia and a former muslim under threat of death for criticisms of Islam. The death threat was pinned with a knife to the murdered corpse of the dutch film-maker, Theo van Gogh, who produced a short film criticizing islamic treatment of women for Ms. Ali.
As for Islam, and this book, per Ms. Ali, “The message of this book, if it must have a message, is that we in the West would be wrong to prolong the pain of that transition unnecessarily, by elevating cultures full of bigotry and hatred toward women to the stature of respectable alternative ways of life.”
I recommend the book club suggestions at the end of the Edition of the book also.
Riveting is one word I would use to describe Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s book, Infidel. Her story is one of defiance and great courage. You will see Islam through her eyes and feel her fear, and anger. You will be impressed with the courage that it took this young twenty-two year old girl to reject a marriage she did not want and to escape to a culture that she had been taught to detest. You will see how gradually the light was turned on and she began to see the falseness of all she had been taught. You will cheer her fight to bring awareness to the plight of Muslim women and girls who are basically slaves to an ideology that denies their personhood. Fathers, brothers, and other male relatives have totally control over their lives. Ayaan risk her life to tell the truth about the abominable treatment of Muslim women, not only in the Arab countries but also how they are importing their beliefs to European countries. She has been under the threat of death from Muslim clerics, has had to go into hiding, and has stood and faced it all with dignity. No book will make you more thankful to have been born in America than the book Infidel. It is a must read.

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