The Opposite Of Poverty Is Friendship You're Richer Than You Think edition by Duran Price SelfHelp eBooks

The Opposite Of Poverty Is Friendship You're Richer Than You Think edition by Duran Price SelfHelp eBooks
Well, I did a lot of highlighting in my Kindle version of this book, and I plan to do as the author suggests and share his ideas with my friends. In fact, I intend to recommend that my friends read this book for themselves.This book is short and concise. I agree with most of the author's ideas. However, I do not agree with the author that his female neighbor should have taken his trash can back to the place where they are stored on days other than when the trash is collected. I think it would be okay if she could do so, but trash cans are usually large and cumbersome. I think it was nice for the author as a man to move the trash can for his female neighbor, but I don't think a man should expect a woman to do the same for him. (This is coming from a feminist who also recognizes that some things are better handled by one or the other gender.) His neighbor should have thanked him, though.
I also disagree with the author in the fact that I do not think that it is generally a good idea to mix money with friendship so I don't think one friend should have expectations that another friend will always be there to "bail him/her out". Yet I agree that a really good friend will want to help when it is needed.
I didn't find many typos or editing errors in the book, and I am glad I read it.

Tags : The Opposite Of Poverty Is Friendship: You're Richer Than You Think - Kindle edition by Duran Price. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Opposite Of Poverty Is Friendship: You're Richer Than You Think.,ebook,Duran Price,The Opposite Of Poverty Is Friendship: You're Richer Than You Think,Sixone Press,SELF-HELP Motivational & Inspirational,SELF-HELP Personal Growth General
The Opposite Of Poverty Is Friendship You're Richer Than You Think edition by Duran Price SelfHelp eBooks Reviews
The Opposite of Poverty Is Friendship takes you on a deeply personal yet universally timeless journey of the importance and priceless value of genuine friends. Duran Price not only writes evocatively about his dear friends, but writes to you the reader like is speaking with and sharing with a friend. You feel a closeness to his life as you turn the pages and you are reminded of how much those important people in your life have made it richer and worth living. This is a book that everyone should read and gift to their closest friends.
This book really has me looking into my heart. I have a very good friendship of fifty years and this book had Me take a step back to appreciate it even more. Yes I would recommend this book it really opens your heart and your eyes. You will laugh and cry reading this book.
Whether you’ve known him for over 20 years or just 20 minutes, the first thing that is immediately clear is Duran's spirit of thoughtfulness, empathy and generosity. These qualities are on full display in this book, and through his unique brand of storytelling, Duran takes us on journeys that anyone who is a friend will recognize and connect with. This book is a reminder of the power of relationships and of the true value of friendships to living a rich life. A must-read!
Real life captured on paper that expresses and shows that friendships are not trivial, easy, full of games, fun, great memories and lasts forever. Friendships like all things of true value take time, effort, and much self-sacrifice and humility to build. Forged sometimes through the deepest pits and hottest fires. Diamonds in the end. This book, told through an artistry of sometimes humorous yet gripping stories, introduces us to characters so different yet share a common close bond with Duran. This book has given me a new perspective on what a true friend is and much more importantly how that friendship should be valued.
...a captivating and humbling collection of real-life short stories and life lessons that I found to be extremely relevant and beneficial. This book is extremely well written and will leave you reflecting on your own relationships and contemplating the future.
There are powerful lessons in acceptance, forgiveness and generosity that will provide simple, useful and authentic advice and insight into the many interesting dynamics of friendship. Duran’s ability to bring to life a colorful array of characters really takes you into his world and grabs you from the first paragraph and holds you until the end.
It’s a wonderfully easy read and I highly recommend it to anyone looking to build more meaningful and enriching friendships.
I found this book to be a very personal account with universal appeal. At first I figured the title was a bit mundane, such a common concept as friendship. I figure I learnt everything I needed to know on friendship from Sesame Street and stories of Jack and Jill. But I was really pulled in by the compelling refocus on what I began to realize was the very fabric of our lives. The point that became clear in it all was that if we did it all, but had no friends to share our lives with, we would realize that we lived an impoverished existence.
Through the stories of friendships, it became clear that in all our relationships with others -our spouses, our parents, our siblings, our neighbors and those we transact with - the most import aspect is the friendship we share in that relationship.
The author told the stories of his childhood in such graphic detail, at times I swore I was watching a slow motion scene from a movie like the Matrix, and was shock by his ability to transplant such a vivid image into the mind of the reader. The unexpected twists that are introduced within the chapters really demonstrate how it is possible to deviate from our initial impulses to react to everyday interactions in such a way, that our evolved approaches can bring about a greater richness to our relationships.
This book was like picking up a book entitled "Air" and discovering within its pages that 90% of what is wrong with the world's health is the contamination of the air we breathe. In like fashion the author demonstrates not only how vital friendships are to the health of our souls, but ways in which we can take the toxins out of our relationships, and build more meaningful friendships, and hence lives that have greater substance.
It is said that there is nothing new under the sun, but this book takes a concept as old as man himself, and breaths such an evolved perspective into it, I am comforted that fresh and new perspectives like this, will ultimately transform humanities old way of thinking and operating.
This was a call to me personally to be a better friend, but in a clear way, provided the tools to do so. So if you have someone in this world you call a friend, be it a son or daughter, mother or father, wife or husband, sister or brother, colleague or neighbor, you owe it to them to embrace this poignant and powerful message. And if you don't have someone you call a friend, ah well, this book will show you why, while showing you how to change that in a genuine way.
So I guess the title of the book becomes clear, and real, once you progress through its pages.
Well, I did a lot of highlighting in my version of this book, and I plan to do as the author suggests and share his ideas with my friends. In fact, I intend to recommend that my friends read this book for themselves.
This book is short and concise. I agree with most of the author's ideas. However, I do not agree with the author that his female neighbor should have taken his trash can back to the place where they are stored on days other than when the trash is collected. I think it would be okay if she could do so, but trash cans are usually large and cumbersome. I think it was nice for the author as a man to move the trash can for his female neighbor, but I don't think a man should expect a woman to do the same for him. (This is coming from a feminist who also recognizes that some things are better handled by one or the other gender.) His neighbor should have thanked him, though.
I also disagree with the author in the fact that I do not think that it is generally a good idea to mix money with friendship so I don't think one friend should have expectations that another friend will always be there to "bail him/her out". Yet I agree that a really good friend will want to help when it is needed.
I didn't find many typos or editing errors in the book, and I am glad I read it.

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