Eden A Novel Janelle Stalder Books

Eden A Novel Janelle Stalder Books
Eden is a fast-moving fantasy tale set in a distant world that exists parallel to our own. Stalder succeeds in weaving together multiple story-lines into an exciting and engaging page turner.I love an underdog story, and Eden is just that. In our world, Aiden is a normal, unpopular, fifteen year-old boy. When he finds himself in Eden, he must come to terms with how special he truly is, and ultimately be responsible for leading an entire army of men into battle. I enjoyed the way that Stalder handled Aiden's transformation. She allowed him to grow in skill and confidence as a soldier, but never took him too far from who is really is.
Aiden's story is the only one that grabbed my interest. Stadler provides multiple plot lines, each with their own appeal. Each character has his or her own story to tell. I was particularly taken by the story of Callum and Rose. Callum is the brother to Jameson, the current High King of Eden. Callum has joined forces with Brutus the Red, and they hope to take control of all of Eden. When Callum's army destroys Rose's village, he kidnaps her and keeps her with him as the army travels. They have a great romantic tension, and I hope the second book gives us more of their story.
I appreciated very much that Stadler didn't make the story a simple good vs. evil with only one side to root for. She succeeds in giving the "evil" side their own story, and at some points I found myself sympathizing with Callum and Brutus the Red. She made them human and even likable. She made it clear that on both sides of any war, there are people fighting for what they believe in.
Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed reading Eden. It is an epic and engaging fantasy, with a great cast of characters. I am looking forward to reading the next book in the series!
"Looking around at the high walls of the city, and thinking about the beauty inside them, and all the people, he knew that even though it wasn't his home, he couldn't let it be destroyed. The city, the forest, the land itself had a magical feel, a feeling of peace. There was no way he could stand by and let it be ruined."

Tags : Amazon.com: Eden: A Novel (9781462051441): Janelle Stalder: Books,Janelle Stalder,Eden: A Novel,iUniverse Publishing,1462051448,Fantasy - General,Action & Adventure - General,Adventure stories (Children's Teenage),Children's BooksAll Ages,Children's Fiction,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 10-12),Fantasy & Magic,JUVENILE FICTION Fantasy & Magic,Juvenile Fiction Action & Adventure General,Juvenile Fiction : Fantasy & Magic,Science fiction (Children's Teenage),YOUNG ADULT FICTION,Young Adult Fiction Action & Adventure General,Young Adult Fiction Fantasy General,JUV001000
Eden A Novel Janelle Stalder Books Reviews
When I first starting reading this book, I had no idea of where the author was going with it. I really was not sure if I would even like it? But, I made it a third of the way in and got sucked into this alternate world created by Ms. Staldor. I quickly realized that this book was amazing and actually had a hard time putting it down.
Aiden is kind of a geek at his school. He has one friend, a girl he pines for and is pushed around by all the popular jocks. Never in his wildest dreams would he think that he would be the chosen one to help the land of Eden fight their war.
The world created by Janelle is absolutely mesmerizing and I just could not get enough. I enjoyed all of the characters. I thought that they all meshed well together. The book was mostly from Aiden's POV, but we got POV's from others as well.
My favorite character is Callum. He is the prince that chose to leave the pallace and side with the enemy when his brother was given the throne. (I always did have a thing for the bad boys) Anyway, we get to spend a short time with him in this book and as a reader, I fell hoplessly in love with him. He is hurt and tormented with the decision that he had made. It is after he meets Rose that we get a glimpse into how wonderful and sweet he can really be.
The ending was bitter sweet and left the reader with many unanswered questions about all of Aiden's friends in Eden. Ms. Stalder gives us a glimpse into Aiden's world, but leaves a good set up for the next book with a small cliff hanger.
I cannot wait to get my hands on Janelle's next book where the story continues, Eden-West.
Review of Eden
Star Rating 4 stars
Eden is mostly based in a parallel world that’s set in medieval times, the story is told in an unusual way as the POV can change within paragraphs, yet it isn’t confusing. The second thing is it’s told mostly through the eyes of a fifteen year old boy who’s called Aiden. Aiden was bullied at school, he’s tall lanky and wore glasses he wasn’t my idea of a main character but he had the heart of a warrior yet he was still terrified. This would normally turn me off a book but not Eden. Once again I can’t wait for book two to see what has become of him. The other Characters where just as interesting like Wolf and Logan who were so funny. The women in the book Elisha, rose and Dana where strong and they will change the outcome of the battle without even knowing. (It’s all about a women’s touch
The world was well detailed but for he first time it wasn’t the world building or plot that kept me reading , it was the amazing characters that kept me turning pages each story unique each character with a humane side, regardless of which side of the battle they stood on. One of my favourite was Callum’s story, he reminded me of Achilles in troy. A tortured soul that became a killing machine but it always takes a pure soul to save people like Callum. I just hope we learn more about him in book two.
Overall a great story and I can’t’ wait for more.
Eden is a must for anyone that loves a great story. I found myself bonding with each of the characters, loving every one of them. Ms. Stalder's ability to put the reader in the middle of the action was excellent. I can only say I cannot wait to read the next installment to find out what happens next!
Eden is a fast-moving fantasy tale set in a distant world that exists parallel to our own. Stalder succeeds in weaving together multiple story-lines into an exciting and engaging page turner.
I love an underdog story, and Eden is just that. In our world, Aiden is a normal, unpopular, fifteen year-old boy. When he finds himself in Eden, he must come to terms with how special he truly is, and ultimately be responsible for leading an entire army of men into battle. I enjoyed the way that Stalder handled Aiden's transformation. She allowed him to grow in skill and confidence as a soldier, but never took him too far from who is really is.
Aiden's story is the only one that grabbed my interest. Stadler provides multiple plot lines, each with their own appeal. Each character has his or her own story to tell. I was particularly taken by the story of Callum and Rose. Callum is the brother to Jameson, the current High King of Eden. Callum has joined forces with Brutus the Red, and they hope to take control of all of Eden. When Callum's army destroys Rose's village, he kidnaps her and keeps her with him as the army travels. They have a great romantic tension, and I hope the second book gives us more of their story.
I appreciated very much that Stadler didn't make the story a simple good vs. evil with only one side to root for. She succeeds in giving the "evil" side their own story, and at some points I found myself sympathizing with Callum and Brutus the Red. She made them human and even likable. She made it clear that on both sides of any war, there are people fighting for what they believe in.
Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed reading Eden. It is an epic and engaging fantasy, with a great cast of characters. I am looking forward to reading the next book in the series!
"Looking around at the high walls of the city, and thinking about the beauty inside them, and all the people, he knew that even though it wasn't his home, he couldn't let it be destroyed. The city, the forest, the land itself had a magical feel, a feeling of peace. There was no way he could stand by and let it be ruined."

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