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The Naturalist eBook Andrew Mayne

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Download PDF The Naturalist eBook Andrew Mayne

The Naturalist eBook Andrew Mayne

This was an amazing thriller! Definitely the best I've read in a while.

Assuming you read the synopsis, I'll just add a few comments. We are following the perspective of Theo, who is a bit socially awkward and doesn't really possess any street smarts. He discovers that a former student of his was murdered, but his scientific brain doesn't accept the poorly explained circumstances indicating that the attacker was just a bear. He is the only person who thinks that the culprit is human, and his suspicions take him down a very interesting path.

This character seems stiff and detached at first, but as he experiences each new situation, his personality adjusts and he becomes a very entertaining person to follow. He is extremely intelligent, so at first I was worried that I would just be fed a jumble of scientific jargon, however the author brilliantly explains some of the surprisingly interesting details and theories through the story.

The plot is slow and steady at first, however it is immensly captivating, because what we know about this killer adds a folklore-type sense of mystery. The story does pick up as the main character unearths more bodies and discoveries. I love that the author added some chilling moments when Theo thinks he's being watched, and I'm always impressed by the addition of a strong female influence. We meet a woman named Jillian, who proves she can handle almost anything thrown her way. I read this all in one sitting and I was sweating from anxiety by the time I reached the ending!

On that note, the ending was spectacular! I'm so happy that Mayne pays attention to detail, because he does an expert job of laying out the sequences of events during this thrilling and terrifying ending in a clear and easy to follow manner. I've read many thrillers that neglect to account for some piece of information that makes me trip up and question what I'm picturing.

I'm trying to think about other things that I ask about before reading suspense novels. I hope these aren't spoilers, but I'll say that there was some foul language, but not excessively throughout. Some mentions of drug and other adult centric themes, but there wasn't any graphic sexual content. There was some violence and detail of bloody injuries, but it wasn't overly grotesque or unbearable for the average reader. The ending was slightly open, enough to make you want more, but there definitely wasn't a cliffhanger.

Overall this book was outstanding, and I can't wait to read the next one!

Read The Naturalist eBook Andrew Mayne

Tags : The Naturalist eBook: Andrew Mayne: Kindle Store,ebook,Andrew Mayne,The Naturalist,Thomas & Mercer

The Naturalist eBook Andrew Mayne Reviews

One of the best things to come through Prime - I am so happy I downloaded this one. I started reading it this morning (a cool windy day) and despite a run for coffee and bagels, finished it this afternoon.

If you like Sherlock Holmes or Michael Crichton books you'll like the main character and the story. A lot of fun.
September Prime First Selection

It was hard for me to get into this book at first, and truthfully, I almost had this classified as a "gave up on." However, at a certain point, I realized I'm glad I didn't give up.

The Naturalist is actually a biologist/computer geek. While he is off looking for "were-frogs" which are apparently a real thing, he finds himself in trouble. Not for the frog searching, but for murder. Of course, he didn't do it. But the fact that he was even suspected, and his relationship with the murder victim - which led to the suspicion in the first place - makes him angry. So he and a computer program search out other potential victims. Theo, "The Naturalist" is determined to prove he didn't murder the victim, by finding more bodies.

As bodies pile up, rather than suspicion pointing somewhere else, it comes back firmly to him. Determined, he continues his search.

What he finds and how it stops is amazing! The author has definitely done his homework, although I think some of the methods are outdated. But for a professor who has no particular skill set and no government databases, these methods are probably straight on point.

I cannot really remember when I realized this book hooked me. But hook me it did. This is an outstanding thriller, which points out what can happen when you are over your head. Oh, and be careful of bears.
Initially, this story hooked me. I was fascinated by Theo's character. He is brilliant, socially awkward, complex, and persistent. He willingly admits that he doesn't really understand people and their behavior, being far more comfortable with his science and computers. And yet he finds himself in the precarious position of having to interact with people and predict behavior.

I loved the unique investigative approach, using different types of science and computer models to track and predict patterns. I don't know if all the forensic information is factual, but it does all have a realistic feel.

By the midway point, the story lost a lot of its appeal for me. Theo, who is not the bravest of men, and certainly not an outgoing adventurist, becomes too much of a superhero. His investigative abilities fall into place too easily, and his heroics seem a stretch at best. I still enjoyed his character, but found myself questioning the plausibility of the story.

The cops involved go the unfortunate route of all being incompetent jackasses. Theo is threatened but otherwise allowed to insert himself into investigations, leaving a breadcrumb trail for the bumbling cops.

I never got a clear feel for the killer, beyond the fact that he was godlike in his ability to murder anonymously, over decades, until Theo comes along.

The ending is overblown. I don't want to give spoilers, so I can't really clarify this statement. The culmination of events was just too much to believe.

And so, for me, the intrigue of Theo's character was the only thing that kept me reading.
This was an amazing thriller! Definitely the best I've read in a while.

Assuming you read the synopsis, I'll just add a few comments. We are following the perspective of Theo, who is a bit socially awkward and doesn't really possess any street smarts. He discovers that a former student of his was murdered, but his scientific brain doesn't accept the poorly explained circumstances indicating that the attacker was just a bear. He is the only person who thinks that the culprit is human, and his suspicions take him down a very interesting path.

This character seems stiff and detached at first, but as he experiences each new situation, his personality adjusts and he becomes a very entertaining person to follow. He is extremely intelligent, so at first I was worried that I would just be fed a jumble of scientific jargon, however the author brilliantly explains some of the surprisingly interesting details and theories through the story.

The plot is slow and steady at first, however it is immensly captivating, because what we know about this killer adds a folklore-type sense of mystery. The story does pick up as the main character unearths more bodies and discoveries. I love that the author added some chilling moments when Theo thinks he's being watched, and I'm always impressed by the addition of a strong female influence. We meet a woman named Jillian, who proves she can handle almost anything thrown her way. I read this all in one sitting and I was sweating from anxiety by the time I reached the ending!

On that note, the ending was spectacular! I'm so happy that Mayne pays attention to detail, because he does an expert job of laying out the sequences of events during this thrilling and terrifying ending in a clear and easy to follow manner. I've read many thrillers that neglect to account for some piece of information that makes me trip up and question what I'm picturing.

I'm trying to think about other things that I ask about before reading suspense novels. I hope these aren't spoilers, but I'll say that there was some foul language, but not excessively throughout. Some mentions of drug and other adult centric themes, but there wasn't any graphic sexual content. There was some violence and detail of bloody injuries, but it wasn't overly grotesque or unbearable for the average reader. The ending was slightly open, enough to make you want more, but there definitely wasn't a cliffhanger.

Overall this book was outstanding, and I can't wait to read the next one!
Ebook PDF The Naturalist eBook Andrew Mayne

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